подмигивает спн-обзорамЯ тут подписалась в жж на сообщество deancastiel и хочу попробовать выкладывать ссылку на лучшее во френдленте оттуда.
регулярность не обещаю!Внимание, поскольку я это делаю для себя в первую очередь
эгоистка такая, то делаю ссылку и под кат кладу понравившуюся цитату.
Не хотите читать спойлеры - не ходите в лес.feldspar2,
HomecomingОт описания первого поцелуя я протащилась )))
"Why?" Dean asked huskily, wincing as those steely fingers tightened their hold. Leaving another mark.
Castiel kissed him.
It was the worst kiss he'd ever had. Castiel's attack shoved his head against the wall and for a second it hurt, but then Cas was all over him, his arms spread, his fingers scraping the wall. He made a weird, soft noise and rubbed his bristly cheek against Dean's.
Dean shivered, and just hung on.
"Dean," Castiel muttered, his breath fast and hot on his face. "Dean--"
"Right here, Cas," he said, sinking his fingers into his angel's hair and tilting his face the right way.
And the second kiss was a lot better.uraneia,
Rewindдругая история
из саммари: Dean's going to die someday, but not like this.
У меня от этого мороз по коже:
Castiel does not regret not sharing that look with Dean one last time, nor the years of bad blood between them, not the orgies, nor the drugs, nor the booze, when his human heart finally stops beating.
He does not start an Our Father. He doesn’t say a Hail Mary. He doesn’t cling to the tatters of his faith. He doesn’t even pray for Dean.
Про песню песней, похоже это атрибут фанонного Каса
Castiel catches each teardrop with his mouth, steadying Dean with one hand in his hair, and when Dean shakes apart on a breathless gasp Castiel is right behind him.
They’re not ready to talk about it, and they may never get a chance, but once Dean is asleep, Castiel traces the Song of Songs onto the skin of his back and seals it with a kiss.
Dean sleeps easier after that.
Eyes That KissБобби и Сэм указывают сладкой парочке о том, что те палятся
“For crying out loud,” Bobby snapped, “Will you two hurry the fuck up and get a room already?”
“What?” Dean and Castiel asked at the same time, while Sam just smiled.
“You two. I swear to all that is sacred, if you don’t screw each other’s brains out soon I’m locking you in my panic room until you do.”
Dean and Castiel were a little taken a back by that, both of them starting in surprise before looking at each other and then looking away again.
“I got no idea what you’re talking about Bobby,” Dean said, as he shifted nervously in his seat.
“Oh come on!” Sam said, unable to just sit on the side lines any more, “You two have been wanting to screw each other ever since you met.”
“I have not!”
“That would be unorthodox,” Castiel joined in, although he was blushing slightly. mask_of_red,
A good wordа этот читать стоит только если вы любите стиль "он сказал одно, а подумал совсем другое"
“Just knock it off,” Dean said tiredly.
Please, Father, bring him peace.
“I want nothing to do with that bastard. Ever. You hear me?”
“Yes, Dean.”
When it comes down to it, please forgive him.
“You’re doing it now, aren’t you!”
Please, give him peaceАПД
Мини, кладу целиком:
happybike ,
Vow тыц
Dean doesn’t have to open his eyes to know whose hand it is that’s gently placed across his heart. It’s Castiel’s. The flurry of wind, the smell of rain mingled with musk, the fading sound of feathers brushing across sheets; they all betray his presence even before he caresses Dean’s chest, searching for a steady heartbeat, delicate fingers finding instead a stuttering rhythm.
It may be because of the electricity that courses through his body at the feel of the angel’s hand on his bare skin, or it may be because of the sense of possibility that suddenly fills his mind as if on cue. As his heart skips one, two beats, his breath hitches in his throat and he opens his eyes in astonishment.
Castiel’s face hovers inches above his own, eyes so huge and dark Dean sees himself reflected in them, and he’s almost afraid he’ll scare the angel off if he moves. But he has to move, has to reach up and brush his knuckles along the stubble on Cas’s jaw, has to run his fingers through the dark hair, has to pull him down and taste those warm lips that whisper promises and swear eternal allegiance. entangled_now,
A Place To Standбольше чем обьятья
Dean finds he's horribly reluctant to release him, to break this strangely intimate moment. Which he should be finding ten different kinds of uncomfortable. Because this isn't a 'friend you haven't seen for a long time' hug, it isn't an 'I've missed you' hug. Or even an 'I'm so glad to see you' hug. This is something different, something heavier, something that's new and strange and precious and Dean's afraid to pull away. Afraid that he'll break it somehow, maybe more afraid that he won't, that it'll still be there when they pull apart.