Aesculap ,
Lucky CharmSlowly the Angel saw how the truth unfolded itself. Now he understood why the Winchesters were still alive against all odds. After being electrocuted, shot, stabbed, hit by a car and a thousand different threats wondrously survived they still were around and kicking as Dean would say. They had been guarded on each step of their journey. Castiel raised his head to the sky and sighed. God was somewhere out there. He knew it. "Thank you, Father."
Archon Mentha,
An Exercise in Free WillВот тут Кас решает помочь и в прямом смысле слова оказывается в заднице Дина )))
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Then Alastair's thrusts stopped abruptly, his cock still buried deep in Dean's ass. He blinked through tears he hadn't realized he'd shed, unable to stop himself from rocking back and forth on the horrible, wonderful thing that filled him so completely.
"Dean." It wasn't Alastair's voice he heard, but Castiel's, dark and ragged at the edges, filled with fear. Shaking hands came to rest on his hips as though trying to still their movements, but without any real force.
He twisted his body to look behind him. Alastair was gone, completely gone, and instead Castiel, without his pants but still wearing his goddamn shirt and tie and trench coat, was there, with him and in him.
"Cas?" Briefly, he met Castiel's gaze, which was open, filled with shock and too many emotions for Dean to sort though the haze of his own arousal.
Shameful heat burned through Dean at being seen like this, even though Castiel had to have already known. The sex may have been new, but in every way that mattered this was no different from what he'd been when Castiel had pulled him from the Pit.
"I didn't mean to," Cas said, his voice nearly a whisper, "I didn't know this would happen. I just wanted him out of your dreams. I-" He paused, and Dean could feel his body trembling behind him. "I don't know what to do."tasty_boots,
Die Aloneпотрясающий мини, под катом весь
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It's not the first time they've been too late to save someone and it won't be the last. Dean hates to be the bearer of bad news, especially news like this.
"I'm sorry."
"Oh god. She was all alone," her mother sobs.
Before he can stop himself, the words are out of his mouth, "Everyone dies alone."
Sam gives him a look and Cas stares at him and the woman sobs and he just can't take it anymore, so he goes outside to wait in the Impala.
Later that night when Dean has given up falling asleep and resorted to staring at the ceiling and listening to Sam snore in the bed next to him, Cas appears by his feet.
"You're not alone," he says.
Dean doesn't reply, but Castiel stays with him until Dean falls asleep.