Надо мной только небо
LGBT Teens Who Come Out Early Have Less Depression as Young Adults
virtually all respondents experienced victimization and bullying in highschool because of their LGBT identity.
все 245 опрошенных.
И о разнице:
those who were open about their orientation in high school reported higher self-esteem and life satisfaction as young adults than those who did not disclose, or who tried to hide it. Those who came out at school also reported lower levels of depression as young adults.
В общем, камингауты снижают уровень фрустрации. В Аризоне. У них нет Милонова, полагаю.
virtually all respondents experienced victimization and bullying in highschool because of their LGBT identity.
все 245 опрошенных.
И о разнице:
those who were open about their orientation in high school reported higher self-esteem and life satisfaction as young adults than those who did not disclose, or who tried to hide it. Those who came out at school also reported lower levels of depression as young adults.
В общем, камингауты снижают уровень фрустрации. В Аризоне. У них нет Милонова, полагаю.
Немного размышлений о том, почему это может быть так.
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